Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Not quite goodbye!

What's that they say about "the best laid plans of mice and men"? Ah, yes, they do often go astray. :-/

As mentioned before, the Embassy of Jamaica in Washington, D.C.received my passport a week ago for visa application, approval and stamping. The process was supposed to take 2 days, yet as governments go, 7 days later I remain passport-less with a few other complications to mix in. The long and the short of it all comes down to the fact that I'll not be moving to Jamaica today, but will be remaining in PA awaiting to hear back from the Embassy about when they'll process my application and return my passport. From there it's a matter of rebooking my flight.

Deep down I realize there is something much bigger going on here and a reason why God didn't want me in JA today. Maybe it was to let things settle down again after catching the drug lord (hooray!). Or to let some bad weather pass. Or because I needed to learn or see or try one last thing. Whether or not I find that reason out tomorrow, next week, or 15 years from now is up to Him! Already it's been another lesson in trust and letting go. I'm also reminded of the 23rd Psalm in that "He makes me lie down in green pastures . . . " God knows us better than we know ourselves. If He knows that we need to take some time off, find some R&R, you better believe it's going to happen. I'm grateful that He chose this way instead of some sort of sickness or otherwise!

Yes, there are many silver linings to all that's happened the last few days. Having no car, roommates that are on clinical or at work, and very few easily accessible clothes (without completely unpacking my carefully 3x packed 50lb bags) has literally grounded me to one place for the time being--something that's rather hard to do usually! I didn't even set an alarm this morning. It was beautiful. Besides that I've spent some time in the word, finally finished another book, caught up on some emails, and been playing with designs and updates for FORU's website this morning. Time spent not at all as planned, and yet, in a way so needed and appreciated. God is good. The hammock and a possible hour or two of scrapbooking might also happen today!  No worries, mon.

That being said, the name of the game is "flexibility"--and prayer and patience! (Although, I suppose my entire time in Jamaica might very well be dubbed that!) Once I get in touch again with the Embassy I'll likely look to fly out this Thursday or Saturday. Only God knows what will happen for His plan never goes astray ... and for now I'll rest in that!

Even now I've been overwhelmed by texts, emails, prayers, and encouragement from you all! Thank you! You truly are the best! The next time you hear from me I'll hopefully be miles and miles south of Phila.

Much love!

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