Wednesday, December 15, 2010


It took three hours but here's a look at my "new" and improved ankle after surgery. 13 screws, one plate, and 17 staples in all, plus repair to most ligaments on both sides of the ankle! I definitely went all out on my first broken bone!

But really, my surgery was uneventful. I truly feel blessed in having Dr. Craig as my surgeon and how flexible he's willing to be with things in the future. I received great medical care while in the hospital and having my dad here for a few days was awesome and an incredible blessing. Since Sunday I've been back at Mandy's and I couldn't be more thankful for the support and encouragement that I've continued to receive.

Yes, there have been many emotional moments and hours, particularly when I'm in pain or looking ahead to the future. Percocet has done an okay job taking care of the pain (without too much stomach upset or otherwise) and I just crawl back into Jesus' arms whenever I stubbornly pull away and find myself doubting, fearing, or worrying about all that is to come. Going to take this one day at a time. . . The farthest I'm looking ahead is to Dec 22nd when I  get my staples out and get put into a walking splint (not to walk, but it will allow me to range my foot a bit and take showers) and then Dec 23rd when I fly home to Oregon and family.

Thank you for continuing to pray and support me through this. I continue to be reminded by stranger, family, and friend that God must have something big planned in all of this. I'm going to keep clinging to that belief!

Keep in touch and have a very, very Merry Christmas!

Iced and elevated. My dad had the phenomenal idea for, Hannah, my favorite 5-yo, to draw on my cast so that it makes me smile instead of cry! Luz, my moose, is my hugable friend given to me as a "companion" until I go home. Daddy's are the best.

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