Friday, May 27, 2011

Back to the beginning . . .

When you stand out almost everywhere you go, seeing a familiar face is a most wonderful thing!! So the fact that I've been embraced, welcomed back, and loved on more times than I can count, in so many different places over the last three days is a huge blessing.

I'm back! In my Jamaica. In among people I hold near and dear to my heart, and placed in a culture and climate that I absolutely love (maybe not so much this heat, but one makes do!). God is so good, my friends! Between the food (mangoes, jerk chicken, bumpies, papaya, etc), vegetation (flowers galore!), new adventures (i.e. buying fish, hanging lights, Kingston), and people (old and new friends, patients, proposals) . . . well, I could take up a lot of your time giving stories and details! However, there was one person we happened to run into yesterday that reminded me of all the reasons why I fell in love with Jamaica and my work here in the first place.

Her name is Ms. Johnson. I met her almost two years ago to date on my first trip to the island as a student PT. She wasn't a patient, but rather the supporting wife who came in for her husband's, Victor, appointments. He had had a stroke and a whole lot of other things that were inexplainable but left him severely physically disabled. One of the most trying things for him was his lack of ability to communicate. A former pastor, he could comprehend everything around him but was unable to speak. I can't even begin to imagine how hard that must be, in addition to his physical struggles. In his eyes you could see a desire to get better, but frustration and new pain at remaining so limited.

The long and the short of it is that he was one of those patients you just never forget. When I came back from my two-week trip, he was one of the ones I wrote about in my reflection paper for the very reason that in so many ways I felt helpless with my encouragement and skill as a PT. He, and others during those weeks, reminded me time and again that "For as much as we study and learn and practice, PT is only one piece of who we are, what we have to offer to others. It certainly should not be the driving force behind what we do or how we go about our days. Motivation, strength, courage, and healing come from a much bigger source." For Victor, any improvement, any victory he had in our time together, assuredly did not come from me, but from our much bigger Almighty God.

Getting hugged up by Ms. Johnson again the other day, as if I was an old friend not someone she hadn't seen in two years, brought all of this back to me. It was if God knew I needed the reminder to go back to the beginning, where my Jamaican journey began. I needed to remember that no matter what, He's the reason I'm here for this season. He's got my back. He's got everything in His hands, His timing, His plan, and His will.

Not much has gone as I'd planned in the last four days. Nothing really at all. But I know it went exactly as God had planned, which means everything has gone just right. I couldn't ask for anything better.

While my Jamaican journey continues, it's also beginning anew. I can't wait to see all that God will do in the time ahead!

I pray that you're finding His driving force today in all that you do as well! We head to MoBay tomorrow morning to pick up 12 volunteers for Stroke Camp next week! Woohoo!

All for Him!

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